Monday, March 14, 2011


I wrote this in July of 2009 confused because at 23 I was realizing more than ever before that each day is precious. With recent tragedies happening across the world and even close to home I remember these words and remind myself to take off my watch, tell my friends and family I love them and smile because I had this day and this day was beautiful because of them.

Coming home again...

I took my watch off for this... Not because it is wrapped uncomfortably tight around my left wrist, but because it impersonates the existence of time and words. Words that represent recent and not so recent events in life. Hands striking, interrupting and proudly distinguishing moments of significant and not so significant memories. Times that evaporate into memories and moments that terminate without reason or explanation. This watch only provides a melodramatic snapshot of life.

Without this watch I write with a steady hand, one which will hopefully comfort those who search desperately for a dead end, a safe harbor or at the least, one more drink. I will never understand the ways of the world, and my efforts have proven to fail me more than once. Time after time I am left running exhaustedly towards a blank sheet of paper. I can not erase the misdemeanors of the world and they stain every page I touch down on. I fight continuously to leave a mark of justice, only to be neglected by reality. I crave to experience moments without this watch, but I am constantly reminded of how painfully it disintegrates life’s precious gifts. 

We were born from distant dreams, evolved into nightmares and eventually rest peacefully within our fantasies.

Maybe it is there we take off our watch, not because it is uncomfortable but because we have finally come home again. Thursday, July 30, 2009 at 3:25am

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