"I’d like to take a moment to be a little philosophical and begin by saying that we should all be thankful for those who never loved us. I know it seems strange, but it’s true. Reflect on those times when we all thought we had found “it.” We were crazy in love, couldn’t live without it, thought that it was the ‘be all’ and ‘end all’ of our love affairs as we knew it. Now that we have separated ourselves 10 times over, who do we see in those people now? Are we still looking through rose colored glasses? Had we married those people or at least stayed with them a while longer, would it have turned into the romance we see in movies? I would have to say probably not.
It’s hard sometimes when you want it so bad that you believe every opportunity is the right one. I find myself hoping that “this time will be it.” I get tired of hoping that this one will be good to me, and then finding out that I am easy to forget. Am I easy to forget? Can you look at my face and never remember the color of my eyes?
I’ve done my best to love. Isn’t it my turn to be loved?
There are nights when I lay staring at my ceiling, feeling the void next to me in my bed. There are nights when I only sleep with one pillow on my bed, so that the void isn’t so permanent. I don’t think a girl ever gets used to the night. It’s hard to ignore the silence.
Every song seems to remind me that I am forever searching. The rain always seems a little more romantic. Ironically, the sun seems a little more sad. There is a delay in the beating of my heart. And there are days when I can see my scars a little clearer. But I guess I am thankful that I’ve got scars to talk about."-H.C
I did not write this, I wish I had because I think it's beautiful. It's been saved on my computer for years and every now and again I read it. I don't know if there's a soul out there that doesn't relate to these words. For me, reading this gave peace to my once long ago broken heart. So wherever your scars are, I hope by reading this you can learn to be thankful for them.