"just let it go". i agree. sometimes there are things in life we need to detach ourselves from. relationships, people, events. i think it's human nature to hold onto things that have impacted our lives. but rather than always trying to convince ourselves to let go of what is impairing us, why don't we attach ourselves to something that does the opposite.
shift focus towards what strengthens us. i have always felt incredibly lucky because i was raised by people who embraced my strengths. if i sucked at something, which i did a lot, i wasn't forced to do it.
…what the heck right? you're just a big fat quitter? well pause for a second. here's a scenario:
"hey abby, you suck at math so we are going to put you in this special little closet sized room where you and all the other little derelict math students can sit around together and we can focus on how bad you are at simple math."
wow…so much for self esteem and confidence. i'll probably spend the rest of my life trying to be everything i am not because i'm insecure and feel like a loser. is it more important that i learn what 7x8 equals or that i grow up feeling secure, confident, happy? i don't know. i vote happy.
thankfully i never really gave a shit about what i sucked at and still don't today. you'll never see me:
sew on a button
ride my bike on anything but the sidewalk.
wear khaki pants
drink tequila
play basketball
teach algebra
ski on snow
go 5 minutes on a stair master
run a marathon
cook an omelet
reach the top shelf
the list goes on...
honestly, yes it's important to learn to read and write, but how about strengthening our strengths? and i am not just talking with children, i'm talking about you, me and everyone right now.
working hard is important but working hard at something you suck at isn't going to make you feel good. working hard at something you are good at will give you confidence and self esteem. two key components to "letting go".
forget all the stupid motivational sayings. attach yourself to everything positive in life. do shit you are good at. try new things, give it a whirl, if it's not your thing, find something that is... feel good about yourself everyday. focus on your gifts from above-everyone has them. but if you spend your whole life fixing the "imperfections" when will you have time to perfect the perfections?
by the way…what is 7x8?
above is a photo of myself and a very special lady who has reminded over the years of the things i am good at- even when i'm not sure i am. she is one of many incredible people in my life but tonight as i write my marymary words i have her in my heart.