Thursday, August 23, 2012


i received my first ever request to write some words today. a friend said i needed to write something "uplifting". so the pressure is on...


up·lift  (p-lft)
tr.v. up·lift·edup·lift·ingup·lifts
1. To raise; elevate.
2. To raise to a higher social, intellectual, or moral level or condition.
3. To raise to spiritual or emotional heights; exalt: music that uplifts the spirit.
adj. (plft)
n. (plft)
1. The act, process, or result of raising or lifting up.
2. An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
3. Geology An upheaval.

life is made up of unchangeable moments.
there are no re-dos, but in every moment we decide. 

we decide how these moments will affect us, how we will react and respond. we decide whether we will live aware or whether we will walk mindless.

mindlessness is easy. to not care takes no effort at all. any
individual can be mindless. anyone can be weak. 
worthless is easy.

living aware. being mindful. being awake. 

that is not as easy. to pay attention to the pain in your life that you would much rather ignore takes strength. acknowledging your struggle takes courage. 

throughout my life i have become familiar with moments of numbing sadness, with the silent ignorance of giving in and giving up. i know what it's like to feel broken and irreparable. but in these moments i choose to stop the mindless devastation, to live aware and awake and that gives me courage to accept, understand and find peace in my moments of struggle. 


when you take a hefty fall to rock bottom it is not easy to accept why you are there. when you feel you've been stripped of your happiness when you cannot breathe, beginning to understand why, seems impossible. and when anger and hate consume you, peace seems unimaginable. 

but as individuals we decide what is impossible, unimaginable and acceptable. you decide whether you can accept and understand your pain and if you will be able to make peace with your struggle. acceptance, understanding and peace are the greatest contributors to inner and personal strength, all you have to do is allow yourself the heightened condition.  

you do not owe sadness and pain to anyone, it gets you nowhere. if you cannot understand it, it only hinders your personal strength and tells the world you are weak. 

i believe we all have the power to rise against our struggle, to be uplifted from our lowest of lows.
i believe we can be mindful in every moment. 
i believe we can make peace with our pain...because in a life of unchangeable moments we decide whether or not we will be...unbreakable