Thursday, February 4, 2016


i feel selfish. i have been writing, but i have not been sharing my words. i really don't have an explanation for why. sometimes i feel what i have to say is too repetitive. i tend to think about the same things, ponder the same ideas and question the same frustrations. sometimes i feel bitter and whiney and who wants to share that?

however, it's time i shed some light on someone else's words.

as some of you may know i attended a funeral yesterday.

i had to say goodbye to a baby boy who i had yet to say hello. it was hands down one of the most overwhelming experiences of my life.

we were given a memorial program when we arrived at the church and it was full of words. words i didn't have the strength to read at the time.

i knew what was written on those pages would change me, that i would remember them forever.  and because of that i felt i had to read them alone.

with my eyes full of tears, barely getting through a sentence without stopping to wipe them dry i finally read the program.

i want to share with you all  some of what was written.

because their son was not able to spend a full life here on Earth my friends asked if we would do two things for him.

1. Slow…down…your…life…

2. Be caring and compassionate to others

i don't think these two things require explanation or elaboration just a simple reminder.

and from the hearts of two grieving parents, "be a good and kind person every day of your life."

rest easy little brooks
i'll see you when i get there