Tuesday, April 29, 2014

that song

you know the song you use to love?

that one you listened to over and over and over until you were sick of it and never wanted to hear it again? you took it off all your playlists and you forgot about it... you became annoyed when you heard it....

but then, years later it pops up on your pandora, spotify, iTunes radio and you forget that you hated it.

and you remember why you loved it. where you were the first time you heard it. how it sort of defined you in that moment.

everything sort of pauses and the feeling sort of consumes you.

you know again why you played it endlessly...it's like an alcoholic relapse.

that happened today. and i smiled because there is so much uncertainty in my life 

and it sometimes scares the living shit out of me

but today when that song came on...

i thought of you
and where you'd gone
and let the world spin madly on


  1. Michael A. Koons29 April, 2014

    I have a song like that too. Guess pretty much everyone does but no one ever seems to voice it. Thanks for taking me down memory lane today Abby, always enjoy your writings.
