inspired by two grandmothers, mary and mary, whom i loved as big as i knew how. these are not poems, not stories…these are just words taken from experience, taken from the heart. words written loosely with no direction yet aimed at anyone who appreciates an honest soul and a solid right hook. these are my words, my marymary words.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
so i say, find that happiness and throw fear right in its face. see what happens. see who wins…i'll put my money on happiness.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
how to lose
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
…everything today.

Sunday, September 18, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
the gym
sunglasses? really?
why don't you use some MORE chalk
that is in no way considered exercise.
dude, no guy is suppose to use the abduction machine.
that looks impossible
we get it you can do 80 katrillion pull ups, do you even need to be here?
when i catch people doing a gym selfie i think: actually i don't really think much of anything i sort of just puke in my mouth a little
i can smell your abercrombie and fitch man perfume from 10 ft away
the old man is running faster than you, step it up.
how come the foreigners don't change their clothes?
...and more proof you can't tan away your cellulite.
shit, i have underwear bigger than your work out shorts, dammit.
no really YOU'RE doing it wrong.
"sir this machine is jammed, oh you don't work here…?"
nice camel toe. uhhhh
bumblebee tuna
is that a Seinfeld tattoo?
….shit you caught me staring.
ok those are some awkward leggings dude
when someone interrupts me to ask "how many sets do you have left?" my thoughts: 100, i have 100 sets left seriously shut up, it's either 1 or 2 right? how often do you run across someone doing 35 sets? get away from me and wait your turn like a normal human
stop. grunting.
i wonder if anyone will notice if i just sit here
you're in my way. you're in my way. you're in my way. i hate this place.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
it's that feeling
i'm up later than usual. i'm trying to get my words written. i know if i don't i will lay awake while they run through my head. i've got that feeling in my stomach. i'm so happy to look back having made some incredible memories but at the same time my throat has that kind of "might cry" lump because i wonder if some of those moments and memories are the last of their kind.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
…when it isn't.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.-mark twain
i'm glad i didn't waste another minute of my life knowing inside that it wasn't the place to be.
Monday, July 4, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
"I’d like to take a moment to be a little philosophical and begin by saying that we should all be thankful for those who never loved us. I know it seems strange, but it’s true. Reflect on those times when we all thought we had found “it.” We were crazy in love, couldn’t live without it, thought that it was the ‘be all’ and ‘end all’ of our love affairs as we knew it. Now that we have separated ourselves 10 times over, who do we see in those people now? Are we still looking through rose colored glasses? Had we married those people or at least stayed with them a while longer, would it have turned into the romance we see in movies? I would have to say probably not.
It’s hard sometimes when you want it so bad that you believe every opportunity is the right one. I find myself hoping that “this time will be it.” I get tired of hoping that this one will be good to me, and then finding out that I am easy to forget. Am I easy to forget? Can you look at my face and never remember the color of my eyes?
I’ve done my best to love. Isn’t it my turn to be loved?
There are nights when I lay staring at my ceiling, feeling the void next to me in my bed. There are nights when I only sleep with one pillow on my bed, so that the void isn’t so permanent. I don’t think a girl ever gets used to the night. It’s hard to ignore the silence.
Every song seems to remind me that I am forever searching. The rain always seems a little more romantic. Ironically, the sun seems a little more sad. There is a delay in the beating of my heart. And there are days when I can see my scars a little clearer. But I guess I am thankful that I’ve got scars to talk about."-H.C
I did not write this, I wish I had because I think it's beautiful. It's been saved on my computer for years and every now and again I read it. I don't know if there's a soul out there that doesn't relate to these words. For me, reading this gave peace to my once long ago broken heart. So wherever your scars are, I hope by reading this you can learn to be thankful for them.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011

It is back and it continues to stir up my allergies and make me miserable. The roof didn't blow off and the wind didn't scoop me up and carry me to NeverNever Land, or some other mythical place I'd like to be. Ugh the just BLOWS.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
and the marymary wind blows
Monday, March 14, 2011

Without this watch I write with a steady hand, one which will hopefully comfort those who search desperately for a dead end, a safe harbor or at the least, one more drink. I will never understand the ways of the world, and my efforts have proven to fail me more than once. Time after time I am left running exhaustedly towards a blank sheet of paper. I can not erase the misdemeanors of the world and they stain every page I touch down on. I fight continuously to leave a mark of justice, only to be neglected by reality. I crave to experience moments without this watch, but I am constantly reminded of how painfully it disintegrates life’s precious gifts.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
a long walk home
the air feels empty, though the sun is shining and the sky is cloudless, today is dark and gray to me. your absence is as real as any other day, yet on this day tears stream down my face into an ocean of memories i cannot escape. the wind blows my hair across my face and i smile, not because i am happy, but because i know you would want me to.
Rest in Peace, EA
February 10, 1984 - October 30, 2001
can't teach an old blog new tricks
Finding the words...

Life doesn't always work out like we planned it would and when we get a glimpse of how life has failed us we look for blame, and hope that blame will give us comfort and relief that it wasn't our fault.
But blame will never stay in one spot and it will never bring us comfort or relief, that is why we must look for integrity because with integrity comes hope and with hope comes faith and faith is what you need to turn your back on blame and find comfort in the idea of a new beginning- one you never planned for.
-08 june 2007
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Real life and Novocain
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Very marymary Birthday's

Today is my BFF's birthday. I woke up early to write a special blog for her. So here I sit, coffee already spilled on my favorite sleeping shirt and I'm wondering how to make her day special. It's always a bummer when you get older. Less presents. Less cards. Less phone calls. It's still your birthday, and you're getting OLDER! So we have to have something to look forward to!